Movexx International B.V. may process personal data about employees of your company, because your company has a distribution agreement with Movexx International B.V. or because your company does business with Movexx International B.V. in a different way.
The following data can be processed:
- The first and last name of the contact;
- The position that your contact holds in your company;
- The business telephone numbers of the contact;
- The business e-mail addresses of the contact;
- Possible address details if it concerns a private customer;
Personal Details: Name, address ,residence ,function, telephone number, e-mail address;
Agreement: distribution agreement, purchase agreement, lease agreement, maintenance agreement;
Processing: administration, confirmation, provision of information about production a delivery, consultation about customer-specific options, assistance with problems and complaints, invoicing;
Processing by: Administration department, sales department and management department;
Retention period: at least during the contract. After termination the agreement, the data is saved until the data is no longer necessary. This means that the data is kept in account for up to 7 years. This is in view of the legislation concerning the tax and other tax parties.