Movexx is voted best entrepreneur in Veenendaal


On Monday evening 12 September, Movexx was elected the best entrepreneur of Veenendaal in the category Large enterprises. A huge compliment of which we are very proud. This election took place during the Business Event Veenendaal, which took place again last Monday after a two-year absence.

Best entrepreneur of Veenendaal election

Every year, Bedrijvenkring Ondernemend Veenendaal (Business Community Entrepreneurial Veenendaal) puts promising, successful and driven entrepreneurs in the spotlight during the Business Event Veenendaal.
And this year, together with two other companies, we were nominated in the category Large enterprises for the ‘Best entrepreneur of Veenendaal’ election. What an honour!

Prior to this festive evening – and the award ceremony – we shared with the jury in a short presentation what makes Movexx so unique in Veenendaal’s City Hall. Gerrit Valkenburg – chairman of the Bedrijvenkring Ondernemend Veenendaal – was allowed to attend this presentation and said the following about it: “One thing was very clear: all nine contenders are equally passionate when they talk about their companies. Great!”.