Movexx in the media: the use of agv’s in the textile care industry


The February issue of Textielbeheer, news magazine of the textile care industry, features an extensive showcase of how Rentex, one of the largest independent laundries in the Netherlands, uses our products. They no longer drag containers themselves, but use agv’s (automatic guided vehicles).

Read the text of the magazine Textielbeheer February 2023 here.

At Rentex, since the use of agv’s, the workers can stay on one place and the agv’s move the containers. The smart electric tugs are able to follow an optical route completely autonomously. This has made it much less strenuous work for the Rentex employees and they only have a controlling role.

Advantages of using AGVs:

  • low-threshold investment to start automating
  • saving on labour costs because fewer employees are needed
  • absenteeism decreases due to the use of ergonomic products.

Also keep up to date with all agv developments at Movexx? Then keep an eye on our news updates or check out all the information on our automatic tugs.